Research and Education


Completed Projects

Discover the publishings from research projects completed in collaboration with academic partners and industrial partners from France or abroad.

Academic Partners

French multicentric validation of ALK rearrangement diagnostic in 547 lung adenocarcinomas. 
Eur Respir J. 

Lantuejoul S, Rouquette I, Blons H, Le Stang N, Ilie M, Begueret H, Grégoire V, Hofman P, Gros A, Garcia S, Monhoven N, Devouassoux-Shisheboran M, Mansuet-Lupo A, Thivolet F, Antoine M, Vignaud JM, Penault-Llorca F, Galateau-Sallé F, McLeer-Florin A. 

Project in collaboration with: 
the International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon; Lynnette Fernandez-Cuesta
the Centre Léon Bérard ; Pierre Saintigny, Francoise Galateau-Salle, Sylvie Lantuejoul

2015 Jul;46(1):207-18.

Response to first line chemotherapy regimen is associated with efficacy of nivolumab in non-small-cell lung cancer. Oncoimmunology
Kaderbhai CG, Richard C, Fumet JD, Aarnink A, Ortiz-Cuaran S, Pérol M, Foucher P, Coudert B, Favier L, Lagrange A, Limagne E, Boidot R, Ladoire S, Poudenx M, Ilie M, Hofman P, Saintigny P, Ghiringhelli F. 

2017 Jun 16;6(9):e1339856.

Project in collaboration with the Centre George François Leclerc, Dijon; F. Ghiringhelli

2017 Jun 16;6(9):e1339856.

p38MAPK builds a hyaluronan cancer niche to drive lung tumorigenesis. Genes Dev.

Brichkina A, Bertero T, Loh HM, Nguyen NT, Emelyanov A, Rigade S, Ilie M, Hofman P, Gaggioli C, Bulavin DV. 

Project in collaboration with: 
CNRS Oncopole, Toulouse ; Fabienne Meggetto
IPMC CNRS 6097, Sophia Antipolis; Pascal Barbry, Bernard Mari
IRCAN Inserm CNRS, Nice ; Dmitry Bulavin, Cedric Gaggioli, Chloé Feral, Jacques Pouysségur, Pascal Lopez, Valérie Vouret, Baharia Mograbi, Patrick Brest, Gael Cristofari

2016 Dec 1;30(23):2623-2636.

SLIF mediates proinvasive activation of stromal fibroblasts in cancer. Cell Rep. 
Albrengues J, Bourget I, Pons C, Butet V, Hofman P, Tartare-Deckert S, Feral CC, Meneguzzi G, Gaggioli C. 

Project in collaboration with: 
CNRS Oncopole, Toulouse ; Fabienne Meggetto
IPMC CNRS 6097, Sophia Antipolis; Pascal Barbry, Bernard Mari
IRCAN Inserm CNRS, Nice; Dmitry Bulavin, Cedric Gaggioli, Chloé Feral, Jacques Pouysségur, Pascal Lopez, Valérie Vouret, Baharia Mograbi, Patrick Brest, Gael Cristofari

2014 Jun 12;7(5):1664-1678.

Fibronectin-guided migration of carcinoma collectives. Nat Commun
Gopal S, Veracini L, Grall D, Butori C, Schaub S, Audebert S, Camoin L, Baudelet E, Radwanska A, Beghelli-de la Forest Divonne S, Violette SM, Weinreb PH, Rekima S, Ilie M, Sudaka A, Hofman P, Van Obberghen-Schilling E. 

Project in collaboration with: 
CEA Fontenay aux Roses ; Sylvie Chevillard, Catherine Ory
AP-HP, Hôpital Saint-Louis, Paris ; Mathieu Allez
iBV Valrose, Nice; Ellen Van Obberghen

2017 Jan 19; 8:14105.

PD-L1 expression in basaloid squamous cell lung carcinoma: Relationship to PD-1+ and CD8+ tumor-infiltrating T cells and outcome. Mod Pathol.
Ilie M, Falk AT, Butori C, Chamorey E, Bonnetaud C, Long E, Lassalle S, Zahaf K, Vénissac N, Mouroux J, Cohen C, Brambilla E, Marquette CH, Hofman V, Hofman P. 

Project in collaboration with the Grenoble University Hospital; Elisabeth Brambilla


Metformin monotherapy in melanoma: a pilot, open-label, prospective, and multicentric study indicates no benefit. Pigment Cell Melanoma Res. 

Montaudié H, Cerezo M, Bahadoran P, Roger C, Passeron T, Machet L, Arnault JP, Verneuil L, Maubec E, Aubin F, Granel F, Giacchero D, Hofman V, Lacour JP, Maryline A, Ballotti R, Rocchi S. 

Project in collaboration with C3M – Inserm U1065, Nice; Robert Ballotti, Laurent Charvet

2017 May;30(3):378-380.

Compounds Triggering ER Stress Exert Anti-Melanoma Effects and Overcome BRAF Inhibitor Resistance. Cancer Cell.
Cerezo M, Lehraiki A, Millet A, Rouaud F, Plaisant M, Jaune E, Botton T, Ronco C, Abbe P, Amdouni H, Passeron T, Hofman V, Mograbi B, Dabert-Gay AS, Debayle D, Alcor D, Rabhi N, Annicotte JS, Héliot L, Gonzalez-Pisfil M, Robert C, Moréra S, Vigouroux A, Gual P, Ali MMU, Bertolotto C, Hofman P, Ballotti R, Benhida R, Rocchi S. 

Project in collaboration with C3M – Inserm U1065, Nice; Robert Ballotti, Laurent Charvet

2016 Jul 11;30(1):183.

NF-kB2 induces senescence bypass in melanoma via a direct transcriptional activation of EZH2. Oncogene
De Donatis GM, Le Pape E, Pierron A, Cheli Y, Hofman V, Hofman P, Allegra M, Zahaf K, Bahadoran P, Rocchi S, Bertolotto C, Ballotti R, Passeron T.

Project in collaboration with C3M – Inserm U1065, Nice; Robert Ballotti, Laurent Charvet

2016 May;35(21):2813.

Expression of MET in circulating tumor cells correlates with expression in tumor tissue from advanced-stage lung cancer patients. Oncotarget

Ilie M, Szafer-Glusman E, Hofman V, Long-Mira E, Suttmann R, Darbonne W, Butori C, Lalvée S, Fayada J, Selva E, Yu W, Marquette CH, Shames DS, Punnoose E, Hofman P. 

Project in collaboration with: 
Genentech Inc. South San Francisco, USA; Edith Szafer-Glusman, Elizabeth Punnoose

2017 Apr 18;8(16):26112-26121.

PD-L1 expression in primary tumor and circulating tumor cells in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer. Annals of Oncology

Ilie M, Szafer-Glusman E, Hofman V, Long-Mira E, Lalvée S, Selva E, Marquette CH, Kowanetz M, Hedge P, Punnoose E, Hofman P. mdx636, 2018.

Project in collaboration with: 
Genentech Inc. South San Francisco, USA; Edith Szafer-Glusman, Elizabeth Punnoose

Oral presentation at the XXXI International Congress of the International Academy of Pathology and the 28th Congress of the European Society of Pathology, Koln 2016

mdx636, 2018.

Use of the 22C3 anti-PD-L1 antibody to determine PD-L1 expression in multiple automated immunohistochemistry platforms. PLoS One.

Ilie M, Khambata-Ford S, Copie-Bergman C, Huang L, Juco J, Hofman V, Hofman P. 

Project in collaboration with: 
Merck & Co., Inc., Kenilworth, USA; Shirin Khambata-Ford, Jonathan Juco

Posters at: 
ASCO Annual Meeting 2017, Chicago, USA
ESMO Congress 2017, Madrid, Spain
2017 Aug 10;12(8):e0183023


  • Evaluation of CTCs in Clinical Samples: Enumeration, Biomarkers and Single Cell analysis. Gordon Research Conference “Rare Cells in Circulation”. South Hadley, USA. 2014.
    Szafer-Glusman E, Liu W, Suttman R, Do A, Sumiyoshi T, Darbonne W, Marquette CH, Ilie M, Hofman P, Tucker E, Marrinucci D, Mohan S, Pandita A, Prolux R, Ferraldeschi R, Attard G, deBono J, Punnoose E.

  • Expression of Met in Circulating Tumor Cells Correlates with Tumor Tissue in NSCLC Patients. United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology Congress. Boston, USA. 2015.
    Ilie M, Szafer-Glusman E, Hofman V, Long-Mira E, Butori C, Lalvée S, Fayada J, Selva E, Marquette CH, Punnoose E, Hofman P.

  • MET expression in circulating tumor cells (CTCs) isolated on the ISET platform correlates with MET expression in matched tumor tissue in advanced NSCLC patients. AACR Annual Meeting 2015. Philadelphia, USA.
    Ilie M, Szafer-Glusman E, Hofman V, Long-Mira E, Suttman R, Darbonne W, Butori C, Lalvée S, Fayada J, Selva E, Marquette CH, Shames DS, Punnoose E, Hofman P. 
Industrial Partners
Luciana Batista, Nicolas Brandone, Stéphane Garcia, Emmanuel Prestat, Elodie Malifarge, Anne Legrand, Caroline Laugé, Yanis Boumber, Essel Dulaimi, Philippe Tanière, Paul Hofman, Marius Ilié, Julien Adam, Jerome Galon, Catherine Gerbon, Jacques Fieschi.

Project in collaboration with: 
HalioDx, Marseille, France; Fabienne Hermitte

Paul Hofman, Mélanie Beaulande, Saima Ben Hadj, Gilles Erb, Jean-François Pomerol, Sandra Lassalle, Catherine Butori, Elodie Long, Kevin Washetine, Olivier Guerin, Joel Guigay, Jerome Mouroux, Sylvie Leroy, Charles Hugo Marquette, Veronique Hofman, Marius Ilie.

Project in collaboration with: 

Roche Diagnostics RTD, Meylan ; Gilles Erb
Publication : Ilie M, Nunes M, Blot L, Hofman V, Long-Mira E, Butori C, Selva E, Merino-Trigo A, Vénissac N, Mouroux J, Vrignaud P, Hofman P. 

Project in collaboration with: 

Imagene, Genopole Campus 1; Marthe Colotte
Sanofi-Aventis, Paris ; Patricia Vrignaud
2015 Feb;4(2):201-11.
Stratification of resectable lung adenocarcinoma by molecular and pathological risk estimators. Eur J Cancer.
Rakha E, Pajares MJ, Ilie M, Pio R, Echeveste J, Hughes E, Soomro I, Long E, Idoate MA, Wagner S, Lanchbury JS, Baldwin DR, Hofman P, Montuenga LM. 

Project in collaboration with:
Agilent Technologies Inc. Santa Clara, USA; Nina Green

Trans-Hit Biomarkers, Laval, Canada; Pascal Puchois, Robert Hewitt
QIAGEN GmbH, Hilden, Germany
Debiopharm SA, Lausanne, Switzerland; Stefania Rigotti
Biotheranostic, San Diego, USA; Mark Erlander
Myriad Genetics, Salt Lake City, USA; Susanne Wagner
2015 Sep;51(14):1897-903.
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