

Feedback of Rebecca, an Italian student experience in LPCE laboratory and Biobank.

Rebecca Rossetti is a PhD biologist at the University ” G. D’ Annunzio ” Chieti- Pescara. The LPCE laboratory was pleased to host her for an intership between June and September 2024.

Here her testimony:

“It was for me an unique, valuable and unforgettable experience that enriched me personally and professionally. Initially I was worried about the language since I don’t speak French very well. But as the days went by, everyone was very understanding with me and super helpful to help me integrate. I felt part of the team and it was important for me to be able to deal with such knowledgeable and professional people.
The air of ” science” in the laboratory stimulated my mind and gave me a new view of the scientific world of molecular oncology diagnostics and allowed me to approach the world of translational medicine applied to the study of lung cancer.
Overall, I can say that I will always carry with me each of the people I met along with the valuable lessons I received.

I would like to thank each team member one by one from the bottom of my heart .
Thanks also to the people in charge of logistics and laboratory management and quality control , always available to solve any problem and meet any of my needs.
Above all, I would like to thank Lacoux Caroline for supporting me during these three months and allowing me to learn as much as I could. Without her it probably would not have been the same.
Last but not least, thanks are in order for Prof. Hofman who agreed to host me and who made all this possible.
Merci à tous du fond du cœur.
Au revoir et à bientôt j’espère”.

Rebecca Rossetti

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