
Lymphoma Collection

Lymphoma Collection
The lymphoma collection includes all type of lymphoma from several locations with an enrichment in thoracic, head & neck and ocular/orbital specimens. Our collection focuses on lymphoid malignancies including Hodgkin and B or T-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma. As of 2023, the collection includes 1988 tissue samples and 238 blood-derived samples from 367 patients.


One of the major features of this collection is the diversity of biosamples: frozen or paraffin-embedded tissue and blood-derived products (mainly plasma and serum).
Moreover, the clinical data associated with the samples are enriched with stage, LDH level at diagnosis and validation status by the french Lymphoma Network.
For each tissue sample, we store a median number of 3 lesional FFPE blocks at +4°C.
Additional tissue fragments may be included in paraffin (room temperature storage)
The paraffin-embedded tissue blocks can, on request, enable the construction of collections dedicated to targeted pathologies as tissue microarrays (TMA).
Characterization by immunohistochemistry of paraffin-embedded tissue blocks can be performed on request, with a whole range of antibodies.

Liquid biopsies collections

In the lymphoma collection, 20 % of samples included have matched blood-derived material.
It includes, plasma, serum, cell pellet, PBMC and whole blood samples stored at -80°C.
Sample Transfer

The Biobank Côte d’Azur offers a full range of bioservices to industry, academia and international consortia.

Our policy is to be able to respond to different types of scientific and medical collaborations depending on the needs of applicants and the collaborative and cont…


The Biobank Côte d’Azur collects human samples associated with various organs and pathologies.

For each of these, we collect numerous biosamples such as tissue fragments (lesional and peri-lesional tissues), biofluids and derived bioproducts. Each sample is associa…

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