Developing Biobanking

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What is biobanking?

Biobanks are organisms that ensure the collection, preparation, storage and distribution of biological resources and associated data to provide them to the scientific community for medical research.
These biological resources are collected from healthy volunteers or patients that accept to donate biosamples for research. The donors are protected by a consent that ensures the respect of their confidentiality.
There are different types of biological materials: blood, tissue, urine…
Once collected and received in the biobank, they are prepared to be stored at very low temperature (-20°C, -80°C, -196°C (liquid nitrogen)) or at room temperature or in formalin fixed and paraffin embedded form.
Then, they are stored until they are requested and sent to scientific researchers for different academic or private projects.

How your biological resources make the medical research progress?


The donor/patient is asked, by the medical team, if he wants to donate his biological resources for scientific research. If he accepts, he signs a consent that protects his confidentiality and gives him the right to withdraw his biological resources whenever he wants.


The samples are collected from the donors in appropriate manners and sent to the Biobanks


The biobank receives the samples with the associated consent and data. The biological resources are directly anonymized


The biosamples and their derivatives are treated to be conserved at low temperatures (-20, -80 and -196°C) or paraffin embedded (4°C) or at room temperature (samples encapsulated) that permits to preserve them for long period


The biosamples and their derivatives are treated to be conserved at low temperatures (-20, -80 and -196°C) or paraffin embedded (4°C) or at room temperature (samples encapsulated) that permits to preserve them for long period


Different requests are submitted to the biobank for research project. They are seriously evaluated by the biobank team, If the request is accepted, a contract is drafted and the biosamples are sent according to the partner request.


The biological resources are used in medical research project. That mainly results in scientific publications and discoveries that helps to find new biomarkers and treatments

What are we doing with your biological ressources?

All the biological ressources received in our biobank are associated with the donor’s consent.
The patient has to remind that refusing a donation will not affect his treatment in any way

First they are anonymized so the confidentiality of the donor is respected. All the biological ressources are treated to be conserved in the best conditions. Then they are stored at low temperature or in formalin fixed and paraffin embedded. It depends on the sample type.

They are conserved until a sample request coming from academic or private researchers is done. The request is evaluated depending on the project and if it is accepted, the biological resources are provided in the best condition to be used for the scientific research.


Who is using the biological resources?

All the partner we choose to provide with our biological resources are seriously selected and have promising project that can benefit medical advances.
The biological resources are used at the national level by our French collaborators and at the international level.


Why should you trust us?

As patient/Donnor:
The patient or donors that have accepted to collaborate with us are ensured that there confidentiality and private life will be respected and protected thanks to the consent they signed.

They also have the right to change their decision and to withdraw their biological resources at any time, if this type of request is done the samples are destructed and the associated data are deleted.

As Researcher:
Our biobank is NF S96-900 certified and applying all the best practices of biobanking. It results in biological resources of high quality associated to clinical data provided by our expert team.

All the collaborations with us are secured by a Material Transfer Agreement that ensures a transparent partnership.

Our previous partnerships have resulted in many publications and successful projects.

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