Feedback of a medical student experiencing a summer job in Biobank Côte d’azur
Feedback of a medical student experiencing a summer job in Biobank Côte d’azur

Feedback of a medical student experiencing a summer job in Biobank Côte d’azur

This summertime, Nakache Victor, a medical student, had the opportunity to join our team in the Biobank Côte d’Azur for two months.
Here is a feedback about the experience he had in Pr Hofman laboratory:

“My name is Victor Nakache, I am 20 years old and I’m a student in L3 Medicine School at the Nice University Hospital. This summer (2020) I worked 2 months at the LPCE Biobank (BB-0033-0025) as an administrative worker (from mid-June to the middle of August).
During these two months at the Biobank, I achieved multiple tasks concerning different topics. Firstly, I was responsible for the input of different data coming from 53 European pathology laboratories concerning the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak in laboratories daily practice. I was also asked to imagine figures which could be included in a medical article which should be submitted soon, and I am proud to be one of the authors of this article under the direction of Pr Paul Hofman, head of the Biobank Cote d’Azur. My second task was to enter confidential data into the Biobank data base. The purpose was to enrich the Biobank in order to provide information (clinical associated data including the follow up of patients after surgery) which will be used for future research projects and publications. Lastly, one of the missions I pursued was the data management of a survey sent to lung cancer patients concerning their professional risk exposure, tobacco habits, geolocation, etc.. This was also crucial for the LPCE and the biobank since it gives potential evidence for future statistics and also for an evaluation of the clinical and therapeutic practices.
Working at the LPCE Biobank was a true enriching experience in many domains. It showed me another aspect of medicine which I would not have seen elsewhere. Participating in a project which concerns a current pandemic crisis and englobes many countries in Europe was captivating. Pr. Paul Hofman and his team welcomed me with great and permanent motivation and enthusiasm, therefore providing an encouraging environment to work in. I leave the LPCE with nice memories and grown up. I certainly would recommend this summer job to any student who is motivated to participate in concrete projects and volunteers to take part in an enlightening experience!
Thanks for everything!
Victor Nakache”

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