SABINA BEREZOWSKA : Professor of Thoracic Pathology at the University of Lausanne and an attending Pathologist at the Institut of Pathology of the Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV). She is currently the co-Chair of the Pulmonary Pathology Working group of the European Society of Pathology, the Secretary at the Pulmonary Pathology Society (PPS) and a member of the Pathology Commitee of the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC).
Her diagnosis and research focus are the different morphological and molecular aspects of lung pathology, including predictive biomarkers and metastases.
MIHAELA ALDEA : Assistant Professor at Paris Saclay University and Medical Oncologist in the Thoracic Cancer and Precision Medecine Group at Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, France. Her research interests focus on liquid biopsy, cancer resistance, and RET+ lung cancer, and she leads the RET MAP international registry for lung cancer patients with RET fusions. Dr. Aldea served on the IASLC Communication Committee, and currently contributes to its Education Commitee. She is also a recipient of the l’Oreal UNESCO for Women in Science Award and of the IASLC Young Investigator Award.
PAUL HOFMAN : Professor of Patholofy at the Nice Medical School and Head of the Clinical and Experimental Pathology Laboratory/Biobank Côte d’Azur, Nice, France. He is Chair of the ESP Pulmonary Pathology Working Group, Co-chair of the Molecular Pathology Working Group at the IASLC, WP Leader at the European Liquid Biopsy Society and Member of the Pulmonary Pathology WG at the ETOP. He is the Director of the IHU RespirERA, Nice, France.
FERNANDO LOPEZ-RIOS : Chief of the Molecular Diagnostics Service at Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre (Madrid) and Professor of Pathology at Universidad Complutense (Madrid). Dr. Lopez-Rios has also been the Director of the Therapeutic Tragets Laboratory at “HM Hospitales” (Spain) and a visiting researcher at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (New York). His main clinical and research expertise is in cancer biomarker testing, with a special interest in lung cancer and mesothelioma. He is the 2023 recipient of the Mary J. Matthews Pathology & Transitional Research Award and the Deputy Chair of the IASLC Pathology Committee.
MARIUS ILIE : Professor of Pathology at the Nice Medical School, and Surgical Pathologist at the Clinical and Experimental Pathology Laboratory/Biobank Côte d’Azur, Nice University Hospital. He is the Director of the European Masters in Molecular Patholofy and Co-Chair of the Working Group on Molecular Pathology ar the European Society of Pathology. He has a special interest in thoracic pathology, molecular pathology, and biobaking. His primary clinical and research expertise lies in prognostic and predictive biomarkers in thoracic oncology at the University Hospital Institute (IHU) RespirERA.